People canoeing on lake

So you’ve been convinced you need to level up and hire a business coach. How do you feel confident that the person you’re bringing onboard will meet your needs? Read on for my top tips on how to find a your business coach.

  1. Most importantly, your business coach has to be someone you like.
    I once had a mentor: “Surround yourself with people you want to be in a canoe with all day.” That is true in both business and life. If you want to push someone overboard halfway down the river, then you might want to find a different paddler. Look for someone you like, respect and can relate to. Make sure you do not feel intimidated by their success. You need someone you feel comfortable voicing any and all ideas that come your way.
  2. Someone with experience in what you want to do
    In today’s online world you have to be very careful of hiring a business coach you were exposed to online. There are a lot of coaches that have taught themselves theory from watching a bunch of YouTube videos. You want to hire someone with actual business experience. Look for someone whose experience lines up with what you do. One time, I interviewed a coach that was going to charge me $4000 to work with me weekly for 90 days. I asked her what she did prior to coaching. Her answer? a Personal Assistant for a family. Now, don’t get me wrong – I love that was what she did and think that would be a fun career. However, I am not sure how that experience can possibly help me launch my brick-and-mortar business. No offense, but I want someone who can walk the talk.
  3. Their programs fit your schedule
    When working with a business coach you have to make it a priority. You have to schedule in the time just like you would a client appointment. Don’t commit to a class at 6am when you have to get kids off to school. If the timing of the coach’s programs become challenging, you will actually dread it and worse yet, skip it. Check their programs, have a conversation and make sure their schedule will work with yours.
  4. Someone who will keep it real and tell it to you straight
    Your coach might have something to say that you don’t want to hear. Our businesses are like our babies and if you ever see a Mama Bear rise when someone picks on her child, you get it. Entrepreneurs are a passionate bunch. However, rising and building is a group effort. If a business coach is allowed to be open and honest with you, you will only benefit. Don’t hire someone that will only tell you what you want to hear. Call Mom for that. Hire someone who is going to be authentic and tell it to you straight.
  5. Someone who wants you to succeed as much as you do if not more
    You hire a coach to help educate, train, instruct, and mentor you, but they also need to be your cheerleader. They should have a passion and love to see others succeed, and sometimes, even become more successful than themselves. This will show you that they will give you their all to help you grow.
  6. FUN!
    You started a business because you love to dream, you love inspiration, you can see the big picture, and you are a visionary. Don’t squash those ideals by working with someone that you can’t have fun with. It is okay to laugh at yourself, laugh at your mistakes, and enjoy the training. I get that work is work, and not all aspects of owning your own business are fun, but in my opinion working with a business coach shouldn’t be one of them.

Now that you’ve learned how to find your business coach, I’d love to see if I’d be a good fit for you! Read more about my services to find out more.