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Grow Faster. Grow Smarter. Grow Freer. Business Strategies for YOU!

View coaching resources and business insights from industry veteran Jennifer Kok and her 20+ years of owning a brick-and-mortar business!

5 secrets to success

5 secrets to success

What does it take to be a successful business owner? If you posed that question to different business owners in different stages of their entrepreneurial journey, I am sure they would all have different answers for you. Some of them would give you a strategic...

What is the cost of being short-staffed?

What is the cost of being short-staffed?

Most business owners can easily relate to the emotional toll being short staffed causes, however, knowing exactly the cost of being short staffed or hiring the wrong person for your company can be difficult to measure When surveyed 62% of small business owners state...

How to worry less in your business

How to worry less in your business

Do you want to know ONE way to not worry about your business so much? Have a roadmap. Call it clarity, roadmap, plan, strategic plan, whatever you want to call it, but by taking the time to plan it and create a roadmap for this coming year, quarter, month, week is...

When does it make “Cents” to hire for your business?

When does it make “Cents” to hire for your business?

When first starting out, many business owners struggle with investing in hiring help. They know it’s a must to invest in a logo, stock inventory, build out the physical space, hire an accountant and a legal advisor, arrange and pay for all of the tangible things. Yet,...

Why do you need to learn to delegate?

Why do you need to learn to delegate?

Are you a small business owner who wants to grow their company? If so, you have to learn how to delegate. It's the only way your business will survive and thrive. But, it can be hard when you're used to doing everything yourself and maybe uncertain what to unload or...