Help Wanted To Fully Staffed

In this comprehensive training, you will understand what today’s employees desire and how to position your small business to be the company where employees desire to work.

Stop the frustration of constantly interviewing and hiring and get back to building your dream business with these 3 proven hiring strategies. It is time to attract and retain the best employees for your business.

In this online training we will cover

What The Heck Do Employees Really Want?


The workforce has changed and as a small business, if you do not adapt to it, your business will always be short staffed. In order to fill open positions, you need to really understand what today’s employees really desire from their employment and how you can better position your business to attract the best-qualified talent. Be the business on the block where people want to work!

How To Attract The Right Employees For Your Business

Maybe it is time for a mindset shift at how you search and hire for your business. With this strategy we will analyze your business hiring needs and get you thinking with a creative mindset on how your values and prospective employee values can align for hiring and retaining best employees for your business

How To Write A Job Posting & Description That Appeals To Your Best Employees



Are you tired of posting job postings and receiving little to no applicants? Let’s talk about how you can make a subtle but very effective shift in how you write your job postings and descriptions to start attracting qualified candidates.

Join Jen Kok Live
Hosted in Zoom

Choose the one that works best for your schedule!


Tuesday, February 8 @ 7 PM EST

Thursday, February 17 @ 12 PM EST




I understand more than anyone that you didn’t start a business just so you could spend the majority of your time filling open positions or constantly hiring and training only to have that person resign shortly after.

The reality is we are living in a different world than pre-pandemic and doing business the way we did before will only offer you a short-term solution. In order to build a sustainable business that will survive and thrive for years to come you have to be willing to adapt and implement new strategies.

The truth is you can’t grow a business if you don’t have the right people in the right seats.

Join me as I share 3 proven strategies that work and will put you back on track and in the position of growing your business with the support of a dedicated team.

Big Changes Ahead
This is a must attend if you
  • Are a small business owner that struggles to work on your business because you are constantly short-staffed

  • Had no idea when starting your business that so much of your time would be dedicated to creating job postings, vetting out resumes, and interviewing and would like to learn new strategies

  • Have felt like you have tried everything to hire yet you can’t understand where all the “good” employees went

A Personal Invite from Jen

I feel your frustration.

I owned a brick-and-mortar bakery for 20 years and during that time I hired full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees. I soon became frustrated and tired of what I called the constant revolving door and knew I had to create a better way so that I wouldn’t spend all my time in the interviewing chair and get back to what I loved doing, connecting with the community and growing my business.

You are in unprecedented times and simply put, “the great resignation” is a real thing. However, does this mean that being short-staffed, or hiring the “wrong” warm body has to be your new norm and your long-term problem? NO!


I am here to tell you that with a new mindset and a few good proven strategies you can find the “right” people for your open positions, you don’t have to be the person who is doing all the things in your business” and you can get back to being a business owner and doing the parts of your business that you love.


I have taken my 20 years of experience and proven strategies and modernized them to meet today’s employee’s demands. I know more than anything there is nothing better than owning a business when you have wonderful dedicated employees to support you. You can have that too, it is time to start building your business to attract qualified talent with these proven strategies.

If you are committed to owning a business that brings you joy and allows you to focus on being the business owner and not the doer then join me for this FREE Online Training!

See you soon,


Jen Kok

Connect with Jen

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