Are you wondering what is the next trend your business should be following? Do you see many new trends come and go, you aren’t certain which ones will stick? Are you starting to look ahead to 2023 and think about what strategies you want to implement to grow your business? Believe it or not, the two are easily correlated.


A trend is something hip or popular at a certain point in time. It is easy to think of trends in the fashion industry, but what if you are not in this industry? Then what? When does it make sense to follow current trends in your business? In this article, I am sharing with you what trend you should be following next!


Does anyone remember the cronut?

Dominique Ansel, On May 10, 2013, at his eponymous bakery in New York, he introduced the Cronut (combining a croissant pastry and donut into one delectable dessert) to the world. Within days, hundreds of people were lining up to sample his novel pastry. This was a trend that grew his business significantly. cronut

Same with mine back in 2008, when I introduced Cupcakes to the Grand Rapids market, this was, a quickly growing trend in the baking world that significantly saved my business during a recession and grew it 300%.

While some trends make sense to chase, others do not. You can spend a lot of time, and money chasing trends that won’t be at all helpful to your business. Maybe you are there right now!


Here is a 2023 trend that I think transverses all industries and one that is worth seriously considering: creating a customer experience.

Customer experience is how you make your customers feel. While price point, selection, and customer service are all still important, today’s customers want an immersive experience.

I encourage you to take a look at how you take care of the relationship between your company and your customers. Do they feel heard, valued, and experience joy when working with you?


Key areas to pay attention to when creating an experience in your business are:

  • Your digital footprint – does your website and social media talk about you and your business? OR Does it make customers feel heard and address your customer’s pain points?
  • The onboarding process – After they have said yes to the sale, do you share exactly what to expect to make them feel confident in their purchase?
  • The fulfillment process- Do they feel like you are adding value to their purchase?
  • The checkout process- As they are checking out, do you make their experience so personal that they are willing to tell 10 friends and leave you a review?

I know this can feel overwhelming at first, and therefore I have created a free e-Guide providing more information on how to embrace creating a customer experience strategy for 2023 I invite you to this free e-Guide “Creating a Customer Experience Checklist”



In today’s uncertain climate, customer experience is becoming a very hot topic. Customers are empowered like never before. With that, delivering great customer experiences can help businesses drive loyalty and revenue in the long run.

Business strategies are my jam! If you are looking for help in uncovering hidden opportunities for revenue and profits to create a roadmap to help you stay focused, have clarity and get results in 2023, then let’s talk

Learn how I can help your business create a consumer experience that generates more revenue!