Are you a business owner who wants to increase your customer retention rate? Do you want your customers to buy from you more often? If so, be sure to read this blog till the end because I am sharing with you four tips to help you increase your customer retention and lifetime customer value.


Tell me what is the best Christmas or Birthday present you have ever received? Was it a tangible item? Did it have sentimental meaning? Was it an experience?

I will never forget when back in 2000, my in-laws told my husband, myself, and daughters that they no longer were going to buy us presents. Yep, that’s right there would not be any Little Pet Shops or Polly Pockets under this year’s Christmas tree.

Now, don’t judge, but our first reaction was “huh” what will our daughters think on Christmas morning when they wake up to very little?

Moments later they shared with us they were shifting away from traditional gifts and were going to start taking us on a family vacation every other Christmas. While I thought my kids would miss waking up to new toys under the tree, they found themselves loving the trips we took over the years with the family.

Why am I talking to you about my in-laws, our travels, and Little Pet Shop toys? What does this have to do with your business?

Just like my in-laws created an experience for us, you need to create a total experience for your customers. I can tell you about every trip such as the white-out dance party with our kids teaching us the macarena or the beautiful sunsets as we lounged on the beach.


Create a Customer Experience


Your customers remember most about how you treat them and how they interact with your business throughout the purchasing process.Today’s consumers will remember you, talk about you, and refer you to others when you take the time to create a strategy that will offer a Customer Experience. People don’t buy an item anymore, they buy because a company made them feel valued and special.

Don’t be mistaken for customer service when I say customer experience because they are two separate aspects your business should focus on. They are both needed, but the businesses that put effort into creating an experience (the way you make a customer feel) will be the ones that rise to the top and become stronger overall.

There are an infinite number of benefits to creating a customer experience. It will improve your customer retention, increase referrals, and improve reviews. All of this will lead to increased sales and a lower cost to acquire new customers.

How do you create a customer experience that will lead to increased customer retention? It all starts with knowing what your customer values most and creating a strategy around that. Watch this video as I share a four-step process to help you think about what is important for your clients.



Be sure to take notes and directly apply these steps to your customer and business!

If you would like help creating a customer experience plan for your business to increase your customer retention, schedule a free call with me. Send me a message HERE and we will get yours booked now!