When you hear Spring Cleaning, what comes to mind? household chores. Yes, I have plenty of those but this is also an optimal time for spring cleaning your business to make room for GROWTH! To get you started on Spring Cleaning your business here are my favorite tips.

  • Your website Don’t let your website get “dusty.” Peek at it with fresh eyes and make a few changes or upgrades to give it a fresh look because something as simple as changing a picture or two can do the trick. Remember your website is sometimes the first impression to your customers so make sure it looks fresh and relevant.
  • Business Plan – how many of you even look at your business plan? When was the last time you refreshed it, updated it, cleaned up your goals or your strategies? I’m a big proponent of yearly business plan updates. Addendums if you will. Without a clear road map of where you are going each year, it becomes very easy to fall into the squirrel syndrome and lose clarity on how to grow your business.
  • Your WHY! – Why you are in business is one of the key foundations that can make or break the bank? Being crystal clear on YOUR WHY’S helps you achieve more and keeps you engaged when things get hard and we know there are always hard times. Does your why need a spruce up? Have you written them down lately and posted them in your office? Do your why’s change with the seasons of life and seasons of our business? Now is a great time to freshen up your WHY!
  • Your Time – how are you spending your time? Time is the most valuable asset an entrepreneur has and because it is so important, next week I am going to dive deeper into how to clean up your time, so be sure to tune in next week for what you can do to maximize efficient use of your time and declutter tasks that are bogging you down.
  • Office – just like we deep clean our homes, now is a great time to declutter your office. Change it up a bit, get a new candle scent or fresh flowers, greenery or a new picture. It’s amazing how much aesthetics can motivate you.
  • Inbox – declutter your email! We spend so much time on our email and it’s so easy to get overwhelmed and can be a vacuum of energy and time. Schedule an hour a week, 30 minutes, heck even 15 minutes, just schedule something and just focus on cleaning up emails. Start with the oldest emails first do something with them, place a to do on a task list, create folders and store them there for future reference. I have a friend who has an inbox of 98,000 emails! I honestly look at that little number on the envelope and instantly get stressed. How about you?
  • Health – I am huge advocate of stress resiliency; I have learned first-hand how you can make changes to your lifestyle to decrease your reaction to stress. Decreasing stress allows you to sleep better, make clearer decisions, and stay calm in the moment that your business and staff need you the most. Here are some suggestions:
    • Get Moving – now the weather is better get outside for short walks
    • Drink more water – 1/2 your body weight in ounces is recommended for energy, focus and reduce cravings
    • Focus on your Gut Health – Did you know that 60-90% of your feel good hormones are produced in the gut. Eating gut friendly foods such as fermented foods, salmon, garlic, greek yogurt, and my favorite chocolate can assist your gut in being balanced and therefore your stress is in balance too!
    • Supplements that support gut health and mental wellness for stress resiliency are important and I have found to be very beneficial. Contact me if you would like to learn my favorites.
    • Breathing – take a break through out the work day for a few deep breathes to clear your mind and reenergize.

Don’t let another spring slip by with out a Business De-Clutter, spending some time on being proactive will allow room for growth for the remainder of the year and leave you with the ability to focus on what is important to maximize revenue and profits.

I specialize in helping small businesses find their focus and create a strategic road map for growth.

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What is the first item you want to Spring Clean for your business this week? I would love to hear!