Today’s episode will excite you about your future and the next steps you envision for you personally and your business.

Dawn Pick Benson is a transformational travel coach who helps women undergoing major life changes rediscover themselves, regain their power, and have a blast through travel.

Dawn leads a program called Brave Journey, a 5 step process to help women at any age, in any phase of life, learn to trust themselves, release their baggage and treat themselves to an amazing trip. She is transforming lives through travel.

What is also inspiring about her work is how Dawn took a life trial and created a business out of her experience that is not only providing financially for her, but changing other’s lives. This episode is a great example for those who might want to start a business or expand your current business, to pause, look around and your life experiences as the next step might be right in front of you.

Meet Dawn:

Dawn is Founder & Owner of GlobeStory, has traveled to nearly 50 countries, and lived and worked in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. She often splits time between the U.S. & the Balkans and is a writer, entrepreneur, question-asker and seeker of adventure.

She’s also a Global Ambassador for the Travel Coach Network, a Certified Cultural Intelligence facilitator and has appeared in publications such as The Washington Post, TripAdvisor. The New York Times, Wander and Woman’s World magazine.

She’s author of the forthcoming book, This is Not How My Story Will End:

A Quest to Recapture Life’s Magic After Loss.


Learn more about Brave Journey & working with Dawn:

Go on the Montenegro retreat with Dawn in September:

Meet Jennifer:

Small Business Consultant and Founder of Next Wave Business Coaching

Are you an existing locally-owned business with a desire to grow? I help you fast-track your revenue, improve your profits, and position yourself as an expert and leader in your community to attract more customers which leads to double digit growth.

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