“Spend less time with people who make doing business hard.”

Wise words to live by when you are trying to grow your business.

My guest today, Carrie Wilson is the CEO of a women-owned, family owned Commercial Construction Business, an industry where only 9% of the workforce is female. In this episode she shares how she had to overcome the barriers of being the minority in the room, what she does to personally prepare herself to walk into bid a job, and how she is doing things differently in the construction business that has resulted in a 6X revenue increase in their 3 short years of being in business.

Trust me, you will feel inspired and invincible after listening to Carrie.

Meet the guest:

Carrie Wilson



Meet the Host:

Are you an existing locally-owned business with a desire to grow? I help you fast-track your revenue, improve your profits, and position yourself as an expert and leader in your community to attract more customers. Learn more:



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