Hi, I’m Jen

I help busy entrepreneurs with service-based businesses with annual revenue between $100K —$1M fast-track sales in the next 90 days with a 3-step process to become instantly referable and attract more high-ticket clients.

I’d love to help you see if this program is the right fit for you. Let’s chat today!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt this…

You are stressed about how to attract more customers and don’t have time to network with everyone in town.

The idea of making a TikTok dance and crazy reel to grow your business sounds like more work and energy than you have right now.

You are not interested in blasting your personal life and kids on social media just to make a sale.

You have a good sales month, and then look at your bank account and wonder where the money went.

You look over your financial statements but, honestly are not really sure what to do with the information.

You listen to every podcast, read the books, talk with all your mom friends and feel more confused than ever on what to do next.

You have an amazing product or service and can’t figure out why it isn’t easier to sell more. Why are other people not flocking to your website?

You thought you would have more free time but find yourself working and thinking about your business 24/7, which just leaves you with mom guilt and pressure to juggle it all.

You feel like you are not winning in the business or winning at home

Start to question what in the heck you were thinking when you left your high-paying corporate job to start your own business.

I get it. I’ve been there!

Here’s the thing, it’s not your fault. Here’s why…

Most of us didn’t go to Entrepreneurial school. Being a business owner is about living and learning as we go, making many mistakes (some more costly than others), and it takes a lot of grit to push forward. It is the “school of hard knocks” which doesn’t include a nice road map to success.

Owning a business is hard and can feel lonely, but it is also the most rewarding career you will ever embark on for you and your family, when done with support and community. Everyone needs help at some point in their journey

You should not be doing it alone!

“Going through Jennifer’s program helped me see my business from a different angle. It allowed me to find what was specific to my business needs to increase sales and profits and allow me to formulate a clear plan to make my larger goals seem more reachable and I 4x my revenue!”

– Jen S., Fresh Start Studios

“We came to Jen feeling hindered in the rate of our business’ growth and brand awareness. Jen helped us to unveil and reach every corner of opportunity to get out brand out in front of people and fine tune what we already had going.

A specific area Jen helped us grow significantly was in how we connect with others, especially on social media. Our customer retention rate increased 6% immediately after we began meeting with Jen.”

– Callista, The Soccer Spot

“Simply put, doing a session with Jen has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business. I met with Jen just over a month ago and have already seen a return on my investment. She worked with me on messaging updates, pricing changes, and help me create a road map for my business. On top of being incredibly business savvy, with years worth of knowledge to share, she also understands what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and mom. I cannot recommend Jen enough!”

– Rachel, West Michigan Organizing

“Jen has an incredible ability to ask the right questions and truly listen to her clients’ needs. Her insights and feedback helped me identify areas of my business that needed improvement and develop strategies to address them. She helped me create a clear roadmap to achieve my goals and provided me with the tools I needed to implement positive changes in my business that are leading to me being an expert in my industry.”

– Katelynn O., Decorating Den Interiors

“Working with Jennifer has transformed my business! She’s helped me to focus in on the action items that I need to take to take my marketing agency to the next level.”

– Catherine, Eviva Media

Unlike most business coaches, I’m not going to just give you busy work, and fancy tools and send you on your way. I’m going to roll up my sleeves, use your data to help you make decisions and build out the best road map for growth you could have with real-world proven best practices and strategies.

3 steps to Fast-Track Sales in 90 Days

1. Financial Empowerment – I believe our financial numbers and sales data tell the stories of our businesses. I take the scary out of the finances and help you fully understand your data and teach you to use the numbers to make your decisions. I break down the crucial benchmarks, sales goals and profit margins you need to achieve to improve profitability.

I believe women with good money go on to do great things

2. Find your Signature product or service that puts you on the map.

I know you are extremely excited about your products or services and can’t figure out why more people are not buying. You built a website and social and you are not getting consistent engagement or leads

I have a process to analyze your packages and lead with the one that will attract the most demand. Start attracting more leads to your business immediately by being known for your signature service or product.

3. Become Instantly Referable. Once you know your signature product and have confidence in your numbers now the fun part. Creating a organic marketing plan that helps you easily attract more people who are more likely to buy. This is where the magic happens and leads you to double digit growth.

I take you through the 3 principles to find your ideal clients—the ones who say yes and want your services. Once you are crystal clear on this, you will save 5 hours a week by knowing exactly where to market and who to spend time with. This marketing strategy does not include spending extra money on paid ads or spending hours on social media.

Sound like something you want to explore? Let’s do it!

I help busy entrepreneurs with service-based businesses between $100K —$1M in revenue fast-track sales to achieve double-digit growth in the next 90 days with 3 simple steps to become instantly referable and attract more high-ticket clients.

Let’s get to know each other, Click the button below to book a free 20-minute call.

Clients who see the best results with me are typically…


Women-owned service based businesses that feel like they can’t seem to find the time, cannot seem to win at home or in their business. The mom guilt is real, as-is your desire to build a strong business and family at the same time.


Locally owned brick-and-mortar business owners who have been in business for at least 2 years and feel like business growth has stalled, COGS has increased, and are ready to cash a steady paycheck for themselves.


Service based locally owned businesses ( think fitness studios, art studios, interior designers, home organizers, realtors, bookkeepers, marketing agencies, insurance ) who desire more high ticket clients.


Locally owned business owners who are feeling lonely, tired of thinking about their business 24/7, struggling with decision-making paralysis, love what they do and wants to find the passion for their business again by gaining clarity, strategies and a road map to get there.

I offer a customized approach and therefore only take on 6 clients at a time. At the time you are reading this I have just two open spots left!

In 90 days…this could be you!

  • You have a clear plan and momentum, and you are gaining more clients every week. Your revenue climbs by 20% or more
  • You save 5 hours a week by not having coffee with everyone and showing up at every networking event in town because you know exactly where to spend your precious time
  • People refer customers to your business because they understand exactly who you help and what you do.
  • You are a trusted resource in your industry and easily attract more customers into your world
  • You go to your business every day and know exactly what to do and where to focus on building revenue
  • You wake up energized, early, excited for the day, and feel a new passion for your business
  • You don’t squirm when you check your bank balance because you know there will be cash in your bank account and even extra in that emergency fund
  • You have support and a plan to help in your business and at home.
  • You make your schedule (with more time off & adventure than you ever imagined)
  • You remember why you left your corporate job and are so glad you did

Let’s get to know each other. Click the button below to book a free 20-minute call.

Here’s how it works:

We hop on a 20 minute call to learn more about each other businesses and see if working together makes the most sense for you and your business

If so – we schedule a business analysis session. During this session we uncover hidden opportunities to fast track your revenue.

We work together to build a road map that is easy to execute and gets you results

You have me on Voxer or Slack to answer those questions that pop up, have a built-in cheerleader and accountability to put cash in your bank.

Here’s just a few of my success stories:

Meet Catherine

She is a local brick-and-mortar business owner, a busy mom with three kids, and hadn’t paid herself in over a year. We focused on product selection, profit margins, and hiring a stellar team, which increased her net profit by 4.3%, freed up her time and now she has new passion and enjoys her business again.

Meet Jennifer

She is a local photographer was tired and feeling burnt out. We focused on a better way of marketing herself to simplify her business and allow her more time with her family. This strategic move positioned her as an industry expert, which led to 4x her revenue in one year.

Meet Rachel

She owns a home organizing business we focused on pricing, service packages, profit margins, and positioning her to be memorable which led to a 21% increase in profit while working part-time.

Meet Danielle

She owns a skincare business. We focused on her pricing ,which was underpriced and product selection which was huge. We took her product SKUs from 78 to 27, and her revenue grew 63% while also saving money and time on inventory and production.

Let’s make your business the next success story. Book a complimentary call today!

More about me

Welcome to my community,

Faith and Family are my everything, so much so that I took a leap of faith and left a cushy corporate job 25 years ago to start my brick-and-mortar bakery because I craved more freedom and flexibility than my corporate job allowed.

I delivered my second daughter two days after opening my doors (not something I would recommend). The good news is that I went on to own and operate my business for 20 years, pivoted during a recession, built a national franchise, and then sold it all for a profit in the Fall of 2018.

My 20 years of ownership was a season of ups and downs, a lot of hard work, many pitfalls, a lot of success, many fist pump moments and a big huge case of I didn’t know what I didn’t know and learned the hard way. All of that prepared me for my next journey of business coaching.

I am a Local Business Advocate. I believe small businesses are the heart of our communities, these businesses make our neighborhoods better, they hire our kids and teach them a strong work ethic. I am fed up with watching our local businesses struggle and even close.

I know first-hand the weight and excitement of building a business. Sales forecasting and planning your future, juggling the cost of goods sold and the desire to increase daily sales, navigating where and how to spend your time and money, having wonderful conversations with people in your community and wondering how you can pay yourself more each month.

My approach is all about YOU and what YOU need to continue to grow YOUR business. I listen, I ask the right questions, I offer visionary solutions and journey with you to make sure you get results and stay focused. I am a super connector, I have a way of finding people the right people that you can bring into your corner of the world to help you and support you whether it is help in social media, financially, legally and finding the best referral partners out there.

I have Proven Success, not only in my businesses but also with my clients. I have helped clients increase YOY revenue, reduce their COGS, pay themselves a monthly wage, overcome the anxiety of networking to build referrals, find their niche to 4x their revenue, save money and time on advertising, train their staff to sell more and improve product and service offerings to attract more customers.

I specialize in helping existing locally-owned business owners boost sales, improve profits, and pay themselves more while positioning themselves as a leader in their community. This is my purpose.

I have loved being an entrepreneur for the past 25 years and it has offered me a chance to have more time for my family. My husband, Brian and I are college sweethearts and have gone on to build a family of 3, and in the past few years added two son-in-laws and a granddaughter, and three golden retrievers.

We hang out together on the regular, travel as a family, and spend time at our family cottage overlooking a lake which is my place of inspiration, connection, and rejuvenation, where the name of my business Next Wave Business Coaching was born.

We are an active bunch, downhill skiing, hiking, walking our beloved golden retrievers, boating, pickle ball, tennis, golf and extremely competitive card games.

I love a good conversation with a cup of coffee or wine, maybe a cookie or chocolate to go with it, and talk about the journey of small business ownership.

If you want someone who gets it, has been there, and you want to save time and money by avoiding all the costly mistakes I made, let’s get to know each other!

Cheering you on,